Hi! I'm Hailey, I'm a lefty, and love all things design. 
Let's be honest here; writing about yourself is hard! Some people can do it with ease, but that's not me. So here are a few quick things to know about me. I'm a happy person, I work hard, I love to laugh and I always want to keep growing.
I have spent the last seven years in school. It feels like forever, but I have received two degrees out of it. During all of that, I've worked at a few portrait studios. I say work, but I adore getting to take photos, and getting to working with all different kinds of people. That was the icing on the cake.
My passion for photography is what lead me to my second love: branding and design. I could talk about them all day. My most recent project that involves both of those is the creation of the Bod Magazine. This 28-page magazine is a student-created publication that goes out to all of  the Washburn University campus, which is around 7,000 people.

I spent a lot of time learning what it meant to be a leader while working on the Bod Magazine. I worked with a team of nine people, and I could not have finished either of the two editions we did without them. During this time , I got to teach as much as I learned. For me, that was the best thing I could have gotten from being the editor for a school publication.
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